Posts in Student Highlights
Certificate of Merit 2021

Students spend an entire year preparing for the Certificate of Merit (CM), a Music Teachers Association of California exam administered every spring. CM tests students on theory, sight-reading, technique, and performance and holds students and their teachers to the highest standards. Results from CM are recognized by all institutions. As a result, they have been imperative in promoting students pursuing a college career, regardless of whether they continue a music career.

Congratulations to the following students who passed this year's CM exam. An extra congratulations to those who received state honors, awarded to students who performed exceptionally and passed the theory exam with a high percentage.

Well done, students!

  • Julia Messenger, Level 2

  • Siwei Wang, Level 3

  • Jacob Mendoza, Level 4

  • Ava Rosenthal, Level 4 — State Honors

  • Lily Rosenthal, Level 4

  • Isabella Mendoza, Level 6

  • Jaden Nguyen, Level 6

  • Ben Heick, Level 7

  • Nathan Kaller, Level 7 — State Honors

  • Ethan Kung, Level 7

Inland Empire Piano Festival 2021

This year's Inland Empire Piano Festival, hosted by the MTAC branches of Redlands, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Temecula Valley, was unique in that it was virtual via Zoom. Despite this adjustment, students worked hard and brought their best, making it a success.

The theme of this year's festival was classical composers. Students were required to perform compositions by a classical composer for a panel of professionals who judged technical and interpretive ability and artistic presentation. 

These Tina Whitley Music students were judged and awarded for the highest standard of performance. Congratulations to the following students who received awards this year:

  • Ava Rosenthal, Duet I - 3rd Place

  • Lily Rosenthal, Duet I - 3rd Place
